/PRNewswire/ -- The "Antithrombotic Drugs Market By Drug Type , By Route of Administration, By Application, By End User, and Geography - Trend, Analysis, and...
/PRNewswire/ -- At ARVO 2023, Yuyu Pharma unveiled the results of its mechanism of action and head-to-head studies for its dry eye treatment peptide (project...
/PRNewswire/ -- Auf der ARVO 2023 präsentierte Yuyu Pharma die Ergebnisse des Wirkmechanismus und seiner Vergleichsstudien für sein Peptid zur Behandlung...
/PRNewswire/ -- Lors de l'ARVO 2023, Yuyu Pharma a dévoilé les résultats de son mécanisme d'action et des études tête-à-tête pour son peptide de traitement de...
/PRNewswire/ -- At the World Congress for Hair Research 2022 (Melbourne, Australia), Yuyu Pharma shared its plans to conduct clinical trials in the U.S. and...
/PRNewswire/ -- Robert Yu, CEO of Yuyu Pharma, has been attending biopharmaceutical conferences held in Germany, BIO-Europe and CPHI. The purpose is to explore...
/PRNewswire/ -- Yuyu Pharma (KRX : 000220) a obtenu la certification à la norme ISO 37001 « systèmes de management anti-corruption » décernée par la British...