Things that went whizzing by that I want to remember... First: Michael Kremer, Jack Willis, & Yang You: Converging to Convergence: ‘Neoclassical theory predicts convergence towards steady-state income, determined by policies, institutions, and culture. Empirical tests… in the 1990s found that conditioning on institutions mattered: unconditionally, the norm was divergence…. We revisit…. First, there has been a trend towards unconditional convergence since the 1960s, leading to convergence since the early 2000s. Second, policies and institutions have converged… towards… institutions… associated… with higher levels of income. Third, the institutional changes are larger… than those predicted by the cross-sectional income-institution slope; while the slope itself has remained stable. Fourth, the growth-institution slope… has decreased substantially, resulting in a shrinking in the gap between conditional and unconditional convergence… LINK: <> Very Briefly Noted: Listen Notes: The Best Podcast Search Engine <> Robert Brenner & Dylan Riley: Inflection Point I: Capitalism’s Trajectory<> Gernot Wagner: Prescriptivism, Risk Aversion, & Intertemporal Substitution in Climate Economics: ‘A new conceptual framework for the age-old prescriptivism-versus-descriptivism debate… LINK: <> Gernot Wagner & al.: Eight Priorities for Calculating the Social Cost of Carbon: ‘Advice to the Biden administration as it seeks to account for mounting losses from storms, wildfires and...