The Dow Jones dipped by more than 600 points on Wednesday. Investors, meanwhile, focused on some notable insider trades. When insiders purchase or sell shares, it indicates their confidence or concern around the company's prospects. Investors and traders interested in penny stocks can consider this a factor in their overall investment or trading decision.
Ligand Shareholders Received 4.90007 Shares of OABI and 0.75842 OmniAb Earnout Shares for Each Share of LGND
Regular-Way Trading of OABI Begins Tomorrow on Nasdaq
... | November 1, 2022
Spin-off Links - October 2022
There has been a TON of spin-off activity.And valuations generally look quite attractive. I don’t know when the bear market will end, but I do know I’m seeing a ton of value from a bottom up perspective.Before we get into the spin-off news, I want to share some news. On Friday,
First FDA approval of a bispecific antibody discovered using OmniAb technology
OmniAb, Inc. is eligible to receive a $25 million milestone upon first commercial sale in the United States
... | October 26, 2022
SPAC Avista Public Acquisition Corp. II (AHPA) shareholders have approved a proposed merger with Ligand Pharmaceuticals' (LGND) transgenic animal-generated antibody business OmniAb.
APAC Shareholder Approval Obtained, Closing Scheduled for November 1, 2022
Ligand “Regular Way” and “Ex-Distribution” and OmniAb “When-Issued” Set to Begin... | October 24, 2022