Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. is teaming with e.l.f. Cosmetics to launch a limited edition beauty collection on March 10, aiming to support plant-based lifestyles and responsibly-sourced products.
Big U.S. companies are giving a more detailed picture of diversity in their ranks, with dozens of them publicly sharing gender or race breakdowns, many for the ...
Prompted by last summer’s protests and prodded by regulators and investors, more companies are publicly sharing gender or race breakdowns, many for the first time.
Apps like DoorDash, Uber Eats and Grubhub brought small restaurants a flood of customers in the pandemic—and charged hefty commissions. New food-ordering services offer eateries a way around those fees.
Apps like DoorDash, Uber Eats and Grubhub brought small restaurants a flood of customers in the pandemic—and charged hefty commissions. New food-ordering services offer eateries a way around those fees.
Based on Portfolio123 data here is the current list of publicly traded companies over $5 billion in market capitalization that are highly likely to be potential earnings manipulators on February 15, 2021.
Rising short interest in Jack in the Box could be setting the stock up for a short squeeze as it heads into earnings, says Danielle Shay of Simpler Trading.
One of the best resources for investors are the publicly available 13F-HR documents that each fund is required to submit to the SEC. These documents allow inves...