Nickel Industries hits records at Hengjaya Mine despite price drops. Find out why exploration at Sampala and Centaurus’ high-quality concentrate are key.
Stay updated on the latest nickel news, including production cuts, resource increases, and drilling results from key companies in the industry. Click for more.
Stay informed on the latest nickel market news, including price fluctuations, industry forecasts, company updates, and exploration results. Click for more.
Last month nickel spot prices were higher. Unrest in New Caledonia is driving up nickel price. Click here for the nickel miners news for the month of May 2024.
The past month saw flat nickel prices and more analysts forecasting nickel oversupply in the near term. Click here for nickel miners news for January 2023.
Stay updated on the latest developments in the nickel market, including price trends, government initiatives, and company news. Click here for our update.
Stay updated on the nickel market as prices dip and INSG forecasts surplus. Click for our full update and coverage of the past month's activities in nickel.