2024-YTD EBITDA increased to $7.5 million; a twenty-fold improvement compared to 2023-YTD EBITDA of $0.4 million 2024-YTD Adjusted EBITDA increased 260% to $9.6 mil…
Red White & Bloom Reports its Fiscal 2023 Annual Results and records an increase in Adjusted EBITDA and Gross Profit for a second consecutive fiscal year
Annual revenue for fiscal 2023 increases to $88.3 million Gross profit for fiscal 2023 of $29.5 million, a $6.8 million, or 30%, increase from $22.7 million…
This 4/20 cannabis retailers anticipate record-breaking sales fueled by last year's +130% spike and the fortunate alignment of this year's celebration falling on a Saturday.
RWB files Interim Financial Statements, Management Discussion and Analysis and associated certifications for its third quarter ended September 30, 2023....