Demand for vehicles with better acceleration and lower carbon emissions contributes to increased deployment of automotive gear systems, according to...
Business Standard | Stocks to watch today on May 25, 2023: AIA Engineering, eClerx, GSFC, Voda Idea, IEX, IFCI, Page Inds, SAIL, Strides Pharma, and Zee among prominent companies scheduled to announce Q4 results on Thursday.
Net Sales at Rs 189.35 crore in December 2022 up 1.02% from Rs. 187.44 crore in December 2021.
Quarterly Net Profit at Rs. 2.59 crore in December 2022 down 57....
The Upsurge In Passenger And Vehicle Manufacturing Has Led To A Rise In Demand For Automotive Gears. The Industry Is Growing Due To The Growing Demand For...
Three stocks are all set to issue bonus shares in September month and all of them have given multibagger returns to investors. These three stocks are Alphalogic Techsys Ltd, Bharat Gears Ltd, and eClerx Services Ltd.
If the hurdle of 18,200 gets broken decisively on the upside, then the present negative chart pattern could be nullified and the market could continue with further upside, says Nagaraj Shetti of HDFC Securities.